Do you have a Covid story to tell? What been your highs and lows during the pandemic and what has helped you cope? How do you feel now and is there anyone you’d like to thank?
Peterborough Cathedral is launching a new after-school singing club to run during May and June, especially for children who are in school Year One and aged 5 to 6 years old.
The unevenness of the suffering caused by the Covid-19 pandemic will be among the topics explored by the widely known theologian the Revd Dr Sam Wells as part of a topical and relevant online lecture in May.
We are delighted to announce that Imogen Morgan, Peterborough Cathedral’s Organ Scholar, has been awarded the Fellowship Diploma from the Royal College of Organists (FRCO).
Congratulations are in order for Near Neighbours Peterborough Coordinator, Femi Olasoko. On 27th January 2021 Peterborough City Council announced that she was to be awarded a Community Involvement Civic Award.
Peterborough Cathedral will be posting short reflections and prayers on its social media channels at 6.00pm each weekday from now until the start of Lent.
That’s what Peterborough Cathedral is inviting you to do for the Katharine of Aragon Festival this January.
It was announced today (Sunday 17th January 2021) that the Revd Canon Ian Black has been appointed as the next Dean of Newport, in the Diocese of Monmouth, in South Wales.
In an email to the Cathedral community, the Dean announces that public worship will stop for the time being, although the Cathedral remains open for a couple of hours each day for private prayer.
In last year’s Christmas message I said that we were “looking forward with confidence and excitement to all the new year will bring”. Well, I don’t think I would get high marks in a prediction class!