11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

The Hastings Music Endowment Fund

The Hastings Music Endowment Fund was established in order to secure the future of Peterborough Cathedral's great musical heritage.

Peterborough Cathedral's Choral Tradition

Peterborough Cathedral has historically had a long and rich choral tradition supporting the worship and mission of the Cathedral through daily sung services. The Hastings Music Endowment Fund was established in order to secure the future of this great musical heritage, and it is still actively engaged in seeking donations to raise the funds required to secure the future of both the Choir and the splendid Hill Organ.

Further information about the Trust is given below and the Trustees are very grateful that you have taken the trouble to read about our work. If, like us, you have a strong desire to preserve the unique English choral tradition at Peterborough, you may wish to consider a further donation to this extremely important and worthwhile cause, either with a one-off sum, bequeathing a legacy or through regular monthly giving. In return for your generous support, there are various benefits available to benefactors.

Should you wish to find out more, please contact us via hastings@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk to ask for further details.

The Hastings Music Endowment Fund 

The Hastings Music Endowment Fund (Hastings) is an endowment fund created to provide grants from the income received from funds invested to The Chapter of Peterborough Cathedral specifically to support the music of Peterborough Cathedral.

A majority of the fund was raised as part of a large Cathedral appeal conducted during the period 1995-2001 led by Dean Michael Bunker and the Hastings fund was created specifically for the funds raised for the purpose of supporting the music of Peterborough Cathedral. 

This appeal established the concept of “Endow a Day” whereby funds are given to Hastings in return for a loved one being remembered on that day in perpetuity. The loved one is remembered in prayer for that day, acknowledgement made to the donor and relatives invited to join worship for the day which is most often a sung evensong. Endow a Day remains open for new funds and remains a very effective way of supporting the choir through donation or bequest.   

The name Hastings came from the Chair of the main 1995 appeal Sir Stephen Hastings and his wife Elizabeth Anne Hastings – Lady Fitzwilliam – who sadly died before the appeal was closed. Hastings initially bore her name but when Sir Stephen subsequently died some years later the fund was renamed to its present title in their memory.

The Hastings Music Endowment Fund was formed by trust deed in 2001 and has its own constitution and board of trustees.  The Dean is an ex-officio Trustee and the Chapter of Peterborough Cathedral appoints one other Trustee. The Trustee body must include two ex-choristers of the Cathedral and the current trustees have stated that the Chair for the time being is a lay person. The Trust deed requires that the Trustees invest in endowment funds and other investments for the long term and to grow the income. Grants to Chapter are agreed on an annual basis and made quarterly. The Trust has in recent years contributed approximately one third of the cost of maintaining the choral tradition at Peterborough Cathedral.

The Hastings Music Endowment Fund is a Registered Charity - number 1085870.

The Franklin Bequest

The Franklin bequest is managed within the Hastings fund and has different objectives to the main fund. The funds being given to support the education of the Choristers. The Trustees make Grants most often annually to Chapter and the Music department of Peterborough Cathedral to meet the terms of the bequest.

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