11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.


This page gives information about access to the Cathedral for people with disabilities or other particular needs.

Accessibility Guides

Follow these links to view Accessibility Guides for:

Key information about the Cathedral itself can also be found below.

The main entrance

The Cathedral is approached by a bonded gravel pathway which slopes gradually up to the main entrance. There are no steps. The main door automatically opens outwards as you approach and the inner door can be opened with a push button situated on the right.

The South Transept door

There is level, step free access at the South Transept door, which opens automatically.  


Within the Cathedral the toilets are located just outside the South Transept entrance. A wheelchair accessible toilet is available here. 

Parking for blue badge holders

There are two parking spaces for blue badge holders within the Cathedral Precincts. Drive through the barrier into the Precincts and turn left. The blue badge holders' parking spaces are along the wall on your left, next to the small hut.

If you need advice, or if further provision is required, please call the Cathedral Office on 01733 355315. If you have problems once on site, please let any of our staff know, for example a Welcomer at the main entrance, or a Verger or Security Guard.


Guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs

Guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs are welcome in the Cathedral at all times.

Hearing loop

The Cathedral is equipped with a hearing loop system which is in use during services. Please switch your hearing aid to "T".

Taking part in worship

There is level access to the areas of the Cathedral where services are normally held. On Sundays, at the main Cathedral Eucharist service, wheelchair users and others may either come up to the altar rail or ask a Steward for the sacrament to be brought to them where they are sitting.  

Gluten free wafers are available at the Eucharist every Sunday. At both the 8am Holy Communion Service and the 10.30am Cathedral Eucharist they are administered by the celebrant. Should you wish to receive a gluten free wafer, please make this known to the celebrant either before the service or at the altar rail during Communion.

​Taking part in tours

There is level access to the areas covered by Cathedral ground floor tours.  Carers are permitted on all paid tours without charge.

If you have any questions or comments about access, please contact Alexandra Carton on 01733 355515 or email info@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk

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