11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Growing in Discipleship

Being a Christian is about growing continually in the knowledge and love of Christ. When we are baptised or Christened we begin a journey of finding out more about ourselves and about Jesus and we become learners, just like his very first disciples.

To be a Christian is to be a disciple as we learn about Jesus through the scriptures, through theology and tradition, through prayer, through the example of others and increasingly walk the way of faith. It isn’t always easy and many of us have times in our lives when we are not able to be particularly active disciples but Christianity is all about transformation of lives and societies through the power of the holy spirit so faith is rarely characterised by stagnancy.

There is no point in bringing in new Christians if there is nobody to help them grow up in the faith and take their place in the body of Christ, which is the church. This is as true for the cathedral as for anywhere else and it is the job of all of us to nurture faith in one another. To this end we are thinking about how we can most helpfully and effectively do this and build on some of the good things that are already in place so that we offer age-appropriate resources for the seeker, the new Christian, the more mature Christian and those who have an academic as well as practical bent.

In the meantime, as well as the things already on this “Learning” part of the web site, you may like to see the learning and discipling opportunities already provided by the Peterborough Diocese

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