11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Diocesan Resources

Advent and Christmas 2021

On this page you will find a list of recordings from the Cathedral Choir and organists which are available to churches, care homes, and schools in the Diocese for use in their online worship.

Following the success of our Lent and Easter recordings, the current list includes hymns and carols, choir pieces and organ voluntaries for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. You are most welcome to use these as a resource for online services. 

Request the recordings

If you already have the link from last Christmas you will be able to use the same one; if you would like to be sent the link, please email music@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk

The list of music we have available can be seen below. The pre-typed texts will also be available for you in Word documents within the OneDrive folder (in a folder entitled ‘Texts’).

List of Advent and Christmas recordings from Peterborough Cathedral Choir

Licensing and credits

Any parish using the recordings will need to make sure they have the necessary CCLI live streaming licence, and include these pieces in their usual report to CCLI.

We ask that parishes use this credit in Orders of Service / on-screen at the end of the service:  

Peterborough Cathedral Choir
Director of Music: Tansy Castledine

Organist: Chris Strange

This text will also be on a Word document in the folder where the recordings are.

We do hope that you will find this facility useful.

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