11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Fellowship Groups

Many members of the Cathedral community find that belonging to a small worship or study group of ten or so members provides an ideal context in which to discuss, explore and question the Christian faith, as well as providing opportunities to put it into action.

The Guild of the Epiphany

Founded over a hundred years ago, originally as part of a national network, this is certainly the longest running of our groups! The Guild tries to be a stimulating and challenging forum, encouraging members to think more deeply about the scriptures and to develop their own faith. The original format of Guild meetings continues observing the three aspects of worship, fellowship and study.

The group meets via Zoom at 7.30pm twice a month on Tuesday evenings at 7.30. The group then studies and discusses a passage from the Bible (usually a single book is studied over a number of months). Anyone may contribute, but nobody is pushed into saying anything. The meeting usually finishes at about 9.30pm.

For more details please contact Dr Natalie Watson by email at nataliewatson162@yahoo.co.uk or by telephone on 07766 744011.

Tuesday Bible Study Group

This group meets every Tuesday during term time at 1.30pm in the Almoner’s Hall. Please contact Sue Paine for more information on susannapaine@gmail.com.

The group studies one book from the Bible at a time (often alternating between New and Old Testaments). All are welcome to attend and take part as fully as they wish. 

Drop In and Wellbeing Café

The café is open at Almoners Hall. Every Wednesday, from 11.00am-12.00pm, it will primarily offer hospitality to people from Ukraine who are living in Peterborough.  From 2.00-4.00pm, it is open to anyone who would like to drop in. engage in some craft activities and have a friendly chat over a cup of tea or coffee. It’s a place where ‘it’s OK to not be OK’. To find out more or to volunteer, please email tim.albanjones@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk  or ring 01733 355315.

Further information

For more information on worship and study groups in the Cathedral community, please contact:


01733 355315

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