11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Old Choristers' Association

Former choristers of Peterborough Cathedral are invited to become members of the Peterborough Cathedral Old Choristers' Association – https://oldchoristers.weebly.com/.

Formed in 1910, the objects of the OCA are to:

a) establish and maintain links between old choristers;

b) encourage the members to continue to participate in the life of the Cathedral.


The annual Christmas newsletter, compiled by Tim Hurst-Brown (Chairman), continues to provide news of the association, the Cathedral, and former choristers/lay clerks/organists to members all over the world.

The latest issue of the newsletter can be found here – https://oldchoristers.weebly.com/news.html.


Peterborough Cathedral Old Choristers' Association currently boasts over 400 members, and meets each September for the Annual Reunion. In addition to making new contacts and reuniting old friends, the day involves singing Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Choir, attending the AGM, and enjoying the Reunion Dinner in the evening.

There is also an opportunity to sing Eucharist or Evensong on 27th December each year before the Old Petriburgians’ Association Reunion at the Brewery Tap.


Membership to Peterborough Cathedral Old Choristers' Association costs £25 per annum. As well as assisting former choristers keep in touch with Peterborough Cathedral’s ministry and music, the OCA supports current chorister singing lessons, which is a valuable part of their musical education.

Peterborough Cathedral Old Choristers' Association is also a founder member of the Federation of Cathedral Old Choristers' Associations, details of which can be found here – https://www.fcoca.org.uk/.


Chairman: Mr Tim Hurst-Brown
Hon. Secretary: Ms Louise Laprun
Hon. Treasurer: Mr Alex Spires
Hon. Auditor: Mr John Watson
Federation Representative: Mr Samuel Barber


The Director of Music (ex officio) 
The Precentor (ex officio)
Miss Elizabeth Cunningham (Junior Representative)
Mr Sebastian Harper (Junior Representative)
Dr Sophie Eser
Mr Oliver Hamilton-Box
Mr Matthew Hardy
Mr Bradley Odep
Mr Mark Robertshaw

Patron: The Lord Bishop of Peterborough 

President: The Dean of Peterborough 

Vice-Presidents: Revd Canon Tim Alban-Jones (ex-officio), Revd Canon Ian Black (ex-officio), Revd Canon Sarah Brown (ex-officio), Revd Canon Dr Rowan Williams (ex-officio), The Headmaster of The King’s (The Cathedral) School (ex-officio), Canon PC Nicholson, Canon PR Rose, Canon CS Gower

Get in touch

Peterborough Cathedral Old Choristers' Association is always glad to hear from members with whom it has lost touch over the years.

Please like our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

Further information

Enquiries about the Association should be directed to:

Louise Laprun (Hon. Secretary)
07595 440279

Evensong with Peterborough Cathedral Old Choristers' Association

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