11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Children's Ministry

At Peterborough Cathedral, we are keen to support children, young people and families across the city, as they navigate life and explore faith.

We believe that every child should feel loved and known, and our hope is through Children’s Ministry at the Cathedral we share the love of Christ to all ages.

Family Worship at the Cathedral

1st Sunday of the month  | Family Service at 9.15am – Peterborough Cathedral

2nd Sunday                         | Junior Church at 10.30am

3rd Sunday                          | Family Service ay 9.15am – St. John the Baptist Church

4th Sunday                          | Junior Church at 10.30am

Junior Church

Junior Church graphic

2nd and 4th Sunday of the month

Junior Church is our Sunday School group open to primary ages that meets during the Eucharist Service. 

During our half an hour session, the children have an opportunity to explore more about Jesus through the set Bible readings of the day, meaning the children’s learning and exploration of faith is in line with what is being explored during the main Eucharist service.

The children also have an opportunity to engage with activities and crafts to further deepen their exploration of faith.

Your child is more than welcome to join us at Junior Church. Please visit us for the Eucharist service and our Welcomers can point you in the right direction.

For further details please contact Sam Higgins: youth.enabler@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk

Family Service

1st Sunday of the Month
9.15 - 9.45am

Family Service graphicThe Family Service is a way for our younger members of the Cathedral congregation to engage in a rather more informal form of service than many of the others in the Cathedral. Those still young at heart – of whatever age – are also very welcome.

We meet every month for a relaxed service (30 minutes) in which we find out about Jesus and deepen our Christian faith through Bible stories, hymns, songs and activities. Do come along!

We meet in the Cathedral on the first Sunday of every month and families are also invited to a similar style service at the nearby Church of St John’s on the third Sunday each month.

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