11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Traditional Advent weekend at Peterborough Cathedral

Wednesday 21 November

With candlelight, shopping, quiet reflection and possibly a glass of mulled wine, Peterborough Cathedral is embracing the traditions of the season at this Advent weekend (30 November to 2 December 2018).

On Friday 30th November, following the Sung Eucharist for St Andrew’s Day, the Cathedral’s Christmas Market will open for a special Preview evening.

Visitors can be amongst the first to browse the stalls, which include an array of crafts, jewellery, cards, decorations and unique present ideas. Tickets for the Preview are £5 per adult (including a glass of mulled wine or a soft drink) with accompanying children free of charge.

The Market continues on Saturday, with a special early opening from 9.00am until 10.00am for wheelchair users and those who need extra space. Opening for all is from 10.00am until 4.30pm. A donation of £2 per adult is invited on entry and any proceeds from the event will help towards the cost of keeping the Cathedral open free to visitors throughout the year.

The Advent ProcessionMeanwhile, in the Cathedral Visitor Centre, Churches Together in Central Peterborough is hosting an Advent Reflection Day, this year led by Paul Hills, former Baptist Regional Minister. The Day, which is £5 per person, runs from 10.00am until 3.30pm, with the opportunity to pop in to the Cathedral before the end of the Market. Booking is essential by emailing office@peterborough-stmarys.org.uk or calling Denise Thomas on 01733 564899.

Choral Evensong, sung by Peterborough Chamber Choir, concludes Saturday at 5.30pm. All are welcome.

On Sunday, in addition to the usual services, there is a special Advent Procession at 6.00pm. During this service the Cathedral Choir moves through the Cathedral from darkness to light. This year the service is in partnership with Kidney Research UK. The symbolic journey of Advent is particularly poignant for the charity, as it is dedicated to helping illuminate the path to a better quality of life for kidney patients. Kidney Research UK will host a wine and mince pie reception after the service. All are welcome to experience this atmospheric occasion.

For more information visit www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk or c all 01733 355315.


All events in Peterborough Cathedral unless otherwise specified.

Friday 30th November
5.30pm                        Sung Eucharist for St Andrew’s Day. All are welcome.

6.30pm to 9.00pm       Christmas Market Preview with mulled wine
£5 per adult (includes a glass of wine or soft drink). Accompanied children free of charge. Book online or on the door. https://ticketisland.azurewebsites.net/ticketi_slevent_cal_3?bi=PeterboroughCathedral&SLCTD=11-30-2018

Saturday 1st December                   

9.00am to 10.00am     Christmas Market open for wheelchair users.

10.00am to 4.30pm     Christmas Market is open to all.
A donation of £2 per person is invited from adults.

10.00am to 3.30pm     Advent Reflection Day
                                    Held in the Cathedral Visitor Centre

Entry £5 per person. Please bring a packed lunch. Booking essential. Call Denise Thomas on 01733 564899 or email office@peterborough-stmarys.org.uk

5.30pm                        Choral Evensong with the Peterborough Chamber Choir

Sunday 2nd December

All are welcome at these services.

8.00am                        Holy Communion
9.15am                        Sung Matins
10.30am                      Cathedral Eucharist

6.00pm                        Advent Procession
A special service for Advent which moves from darkness to light, in partnership this year with Kidney Research UK. Followed by a wine and mince pie reception.

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