11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Ahmadiyya Muslim delegation presents flowers of condolence on Sunday morning

Tuesday 7 May

On Sunday morning, 5th May, Peterborough Cathedral played host to a delegation from the Peterborough Chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

They came in the wake of the bombings of churches in Sri Lanka, to demonstrate their shared desire for peace and goodwill among all people of faith, and to express their rejection of violence and hatred.

The Dean of Peterborough, the Very Revd Chris Dalliston, welcomed the group and received a letter of condolence and a bouquet of flowers which were placed at the Cathedral’s memorial for the victims of the terrorist attack.

After the presentation the delegates met and talked with members of the Cathedral congregation.

The Dean commented:

‘We were deeply touched by this gesture and share with our brothers and sisters a complete rejection of terror, violence and hatred. Whatever our differences we are all children of the One God and in a world which is so deeply divided we must take every opportunity, not least in this Easter season, to demonstrate that love is more powerful than hate.’

In the message that was read out, the worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Fifth Caliph Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmed may God be his helper, said:

‘Islam teaches us to always be mindful towards God, who is our creator and to always keep his memory fresh in our hearts and to deal with his creation with love, affection, harmony and tolerance'.

The delegation from the Ahmadiyya Muslim community at the Cathedral.

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