11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Cathedral goes pink and blue for Baby Loss Awareness Week

Friday 5 October

When darkness falls, from 9th to 15th October, you may spot pink and blue tinges on the famous west front of Peterborough Cathedral.

This is because special filters will be changing the lights to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week which is run by various charities including SANDS, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity.

For all who have lost a baby, however long ago, there will also be a simple service at the Cathedral on Sunday 13th October, at 5.30pm. This will be a gentle time of reflection, remembrance and prayer during which those lost will be brought before God with music, prayer and the lighting of candles. 

Families who have lost babies through stillbirth, miscarriage or termination are most welcome to come and remember their children's lives. During Baby Loss Awareness Week it is also hoped to have a prayer station near to Katharine of Aragon’s tomb - Katharine herself experienced both stillbirth and neonatal death.

The Cathedral west front lit with pink and blue floodlightsCanon Sarah Brown of Peterborough Cathedral said:

“We hope you will feel able to join us. Please tell anyone you know, who grieves for a little one, about the service. If you would like to talk to someone to find out more please contact me, or my colleague Canon Rowan Williams on 01733 355310.”

The Peterborough and Stamford branch of SANDS runs a monthly Support Meeting for anyone who is affected by pregnancy and baby loss. This is held at London Road Stadium, London Rd, Peterborough PE2 8AL. They are also planning a special event on the 15th October to mark the end of Baby Loss Awareness week. You can find more details on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/events/1823867954363023/?ti=icl 


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