11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Pink and blue Cathedral to host Baby Loss Awareness Week service in October

Monday 26 September

From 9th to 15th October Peterborough Cathedral will once again be lighting its famous west front in pink and blue to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week.

It will also hold a special service on Saturday 15th October at 5.30pm, for anyone who has lost a baby, whether that is recently or a while ago.

The service will be a gentle time of reflection and remembrance during which the lives of the children lost will be brought before God through music, prayer and the lighting of candles. Families who have lost little ones before, during or after birth are very welcome to come along.  

During Baby Loss Awareness Week there will be a prayer station near to Katharine of Aragon’s tomb in the Cathedral for anyone who wants to drop in to pray, or to leave a baby’s name, or to write a prayer request. Katharine of Aragon is one of the most famous historical figures associated with the Cathedral and she herself experienced both stillbirth and neonatal death. 

The prayer station in the Cathedral for Baby Loss Awareness Week

Anyone who cannot be present but would like their baby to be remembered at the service is invited to contact Canon Rowan Williams via canon.precentor@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk or on 01733 355310, so that she can make sure they are included. 

There is no need book to attend the service on 15th October, you can just turn up. If you wish to drop in during the week, you can find Cathedral opening times here:  www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/opening-times.aspx 

Baby Loss Awareness Week is a national campaign run by various charities who support those affected by the loss of a baby. 

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