11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

BBC Radio Cambs Sunday programme (was) to broadcast live Carol Service from Cathedral

Tuesday 15 December

A Carol Service on the popular BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Sunday morning programme, presented by Louise Hulland, was to be broadcast from Peterborough Cathedral on Sunday 20th December ... until Tier 4 happened!


Due to BBC Radio Cambridgeshire staff not being able to travel from a Tier 2 to a Tier 4 area, the broadcast could not take place at the Cathedral.

Thanks to the enormous efforts of the BBC Cambs, the Cathedral Music Department and others, arrangements were changed overnight so that the Carol Service could still go ahead from the studio in Cambridge. It was broadcast live on Sunday morning, led by the Canon Precentor via mobile phone, with pre-recorded music from the Choir and readings from some of the Sunday programme's regular listeners.

You can hear the programme again on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire at 5.00pm (postponed to 6.00pm) on Wednesday 23rd December and then at 1.00pm on Christmas Day

From the original press release:

The show, which runs from 6.00am until 10.00am, will close with a 30-40 minute Carol Service live from the Cathedral, during which the Choir will sing some favourite Christmas carols.

Alongside the carols will be prayers and readings to tell the Christmas story. The readings have been pre-recorded by regular listeners to the programme so that they can be an integral part of it, even though they are at home.

The Cathedral will be closed to the public whilst the live broadcast is taking place but anyone can listen to it on their radio or via the BBC Sounds website via www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_radio_cambridge.

The Choir will be conducted by the Cathedral’s Director of Music, Tansy Castledine and the Cathedral Organist will be Christopher Strange. An order of service, in case you would like to follow this from home, may be downloaded here: Order of Service. (Order of Service updated 20-12-20).

David Harvey, Editor, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, comments:

“We’re delighted that a number of Louise’s listeners will be able to play a part this Sunday. It’s an opportunity for them to contribute to a unique event and we thank everyone at Peterborough Cathedral for their support in making this happen. We hope it will bring pleasure and make a difference to all of our listeners who can’t attend a service in person this Christmas."

Canon Rowan Williams, Precentor at Peterborough Cathedral said:

“It’s lovely to welcome BBC Radio Cambridgeshire to the Cathedral for this special Carol Service. Our Cathedral musicians have been working very hard in this challenging year to make sure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to hear the Christmas story and enjoy traditional Christmas music, so it’s wonderful to be part of a broadcast to so many listeners. We hope everyone is in good voice and ready to join in, wherever they happen to be.”

After the radio broadcast, the Cathedral will re-open in time for the 10.30am Eucharist service. 

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