11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ on Saturday 3rd October

Thursday 17 September

Do you know a child aged six or seven who loves to sing? If so, they are invited to come to Peterborough Cathedral’s annual ‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ event, on Saturday 3rd October from 10.30am to 1.20pm.

All children currently in school Year 2 who enjoy singing are invited to come to this free event, which is designed to help children understand what it is like to be a Cathedral chorister.

The day will include musical activities, as well as the opportunity to meet some of the current choristers and parents, and enjoy singing in the building. The children will sing a short service in the Cathedral at 1.00pm, which parents are invited to attend.

Advanced booking is essential to secure a place at ‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ and the event is open to children in school Year 2. To make a booking please email music@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk. The arrangements for this event will comply with current COVID-19 guidance. More details of this will be sent to those who book a place.

Closing date for booking: Monday 28th September 2020.

Please note that the Cathedral will be closed to visitors for the duration of this event.

Facebook event page for Be a Chorister for a Day: https://www.facebook.com/events/610392026302774

Voice trials to join the choir

Voice trials for children in school Year 2 who are applying to join the choir will be held on Monday 9th November, Wednesday 11th November, Friday 13th November and Monday 16th November 2020. Those selected will join the choir in September 2021. More information about the auditions can be found on the Cathedral website at www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/choristerships.aspx.

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