11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Be part of the crew when Tim Peake’s Spacecraft lands in Peterborough

Friday 1 June

Could you be part of the crew to help look after visitors when Tim Peake’s Spacecraft (presented by Samsung and the Science Museum Group) arrives at Peterborough Cathedral from 11th August until 5th November?

Previous venues on the #SoyuzTour have been in the north of the UK, so large numbers of visitors are expected when the exhibition heads south to Peterborough. A team of volunteers is being recruited now to ensure that they have a great time whilst they visit.

Roles for volunteers include hosting the Space Descent VR * Lounge – ensuring that guests are seated and the VR equipment is fitted correctly. This virtual reality adventure, for ages 13+, is narrated by Tim Peake and uses Samsung Gear VR technology to recreate the exhilarating experience of returning to earth in a Soyuz spacecraft.

Volunteers are also needed to meet and greet visitors, talk about Soyuz, sell and check tickets for the VR experience, and answer questions about the exhibition. Full role descriptions are available on these links: Soyuz Welcomer & Information Guide, Soyuz Space Descent VR team, Soyuz Shop team. Training will be given.

“If you are as excited as we are about Tim Peake’s Spacecraft coming to Peterborough, then this is a great way to get involved!” said Maria Elsey, Head of Operations. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students on summer vacation or anyone who is enthusiastic about space or heritage and loves meeting people.”

Volunteers need to be aged 18+ and available for at least one day or two half days per week. There is flexibility to allow for holidays, term time and other commitments during the course of the exhibition.

To find out more, please email volunteer@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk or call 01733 355315.

* The Space Descent VR with Tim Peake is presented by Science Museum Group and supported by Samsung


Photo: Copyright © Science Museum Group

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