11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Booking opens for Space Descent VR with Tim Peake

Tuesday 3 July

Summer is looking out of this world at Peterborough Cathedral as Tim Peake’s Spacecraft, presented by Samsung and the Science Museum Group, is due to land on 11th August 2018.

The exhibition not only includes the Soyuz spacecraft that brought Tim Peake and his fellow astronauts back to earth after their Principia mission in 2016, but also the huge parachute deployed during their descent, and Tim’s own Sokol emergency spacesuit.

There is free entry to the exhibition, but tickets are needed for Space Descent VR which accompanies it. This unique virtual reality adventure, narrated by Tim Peake, puts you in the pilot’s seat of a Soyuz capsule. Using Samsung Gear VR and the very latest in VR technology it enables visitors to experience what it feels like to sit inside the Soyuz’s descent module as it makes its dangerous, high speed journey back to earth.

Tim Peake has described Space Descent VR as "… breath-taking - and that comes from someone who has spent an awful lot of time using VR systems while training for my first mission. Visitors are going to experience something that truly is very close to the real thing!"

Space Descent VR is available to visitors aged 13 and over. Tickets are £5 per person (ages 13+ only) and available online via www.ticketisland.co.uk/PeterboroughCathedral  (select the date you would like to visit) or from Peterborough Information Centre, Bridge Street, Peterborough on 01733 452336.

Space Descent VR is presented by the Science Museum Group and supported by Samsung. Photos © Science Museum Group.


Visitors talk about their Space Descent VR experience in this video from Science Museum Group.

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