11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Homes for Ukraine – a call for hosts

Tuesday 31 May

Following the successful meeting held at Peterborough Cathedral on the 28th April, expressions of interest are now invited ...

from people who would like to host a Ukrainian family through the Citizens UK Communities for Ukraine scheme.

The scheme offers end-to-end advice and practical help around the UK Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme to make it safer, sustainable and supported. The scheme itself has drawn praise from the government and the media. It operates through a number of phases:

  • Pre-Application phase: Citizens UK’s global partner USPUK supports Ukrainians to understand the opportunity to resettle in the UK;

  • Application phase: USPUK refers Ukrainians to apply through Citizens UK’s ‘Gateway to the UK’ portal;

  • Provisional matching phase: Citizens UK, Peterborough Cathedral and Peterborough Citizens find a likely host sponsor for the Ukrainian applicant;

  • Match confirmation and visa phase: Host sponsor and applicant confirm the match, and apply for a visa supported by the strategic partner, USPUK and Citizens UK;

  • Travel phase: Citizens UK and USPUK help the refugee to book free tickets via Wizz Air from anywhere in Europe.

  • The process can take between two and six weeks.

Hosts sponsors are supported with a virtual Zoom weekly lunch and learning session. Peterborough Cathedral’s Ukraine Project Coordinator will work closely with the local Council and other partners to expedite access to key services and support for families arriving in the city.

Anyone who has registered to host, or would like to register to host through the Communities for Ukraine scheme, is invited to get in touch with information about what accommodation they can offer and when it would be available, by emailing ukraine@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk.




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