11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Activities for Children at Peterborough Cathedral

Monday 30 October

There are activities in store for all ages at Peterborough Cathedral.

Children will love to get their hands on a copy of the activity guide to the Cathedral, Monks, Mischief and Marauders, which was created by the children’s illustrator Emma Metcalfe. It is packed full of amazing facts, challenges and jokes to guide you around the building, and is on sale for £2 per copy.

Explorer Backpacks: These child-sized backpacks are designed with children aged under 7 in mind, and include all the tools needed to explore the Cathedral: a magnifying glass, a tape measure, a pair of binoculars etc. They are free to use, in exchange for a £5 refundable deposit paid at the Welcome Desk.
Not in use during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Explorer Backpacks

Looking through colours




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