11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Cathedral computer donation helps provide independence

Thursday 22 April

Sam Horne and volunteer Paul from Enabling Independence were at Peterborough Cathedral earlier this week to collect seven desktop computers and screens.

The Peterborough-based charity provides information, guidance and advocacy to adults with learning disabilities and /or autism, and the equipment donated by the Cathedral will help them in that work.

Thanks to funds raised by Peterborough Cathedral Trust, the Cathedral staff have recently benefitted from upgraded computer equipment so that they can work more efficiently. This means that their previous desktop computers and screens were looking for a home. After some research, they found Enabling Independence who were delighted to accept the offer.

“These computers will make a big difference to our Network Team, staff and families that we help,” said Sam, who is Chairman of Enabling Independence.

“They will enable people to participate more fully in meetings from home and to access the internet through a decent sized screen and a desktop rather than on a phone. It will certainly help to combat the social isolation that many of our contacts are experiencing as a result of the pandemic.”

The computers will be allocated by the charity over the next few weeks. For more information about their work visit https://enabling-independence.co.uk.

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