11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

The Friends of Peterborough Cathedral held their AGM on the 25th September

Monday 18 October

The meeting was held via Zoom and you can read here about what was discussed and decided at that meeting.

The members of Council duly nominated and elected are as follows:

The Dean, ex officio
David Way. chairman
Stephen Harrap treasurer
Derek Lea secretary
Pauline Edwards, Ruth Groome, Edith Laprun, John Grubb, and Ian Harper.

There is space for additional Members to be co- opted onto Council. If anyone is interested in this, please contact David Way on davidjohnway52@gmail.com

The Journal will continue to be produced in hard copy format, and the plan is to issue the next edition around Easter 2022 to cover both 2021 and 2022. 

It is also hoped that communications can be sent out by email from time to time.

The Council will work with the Cathedral Office on matters to do with data storage and protection.

The Meeting expressed great appreciation to Mary Boyall, who is standing down as membership secretary after many years of valuable service; and to Pauline Edwards and John Grubb for all their work in putting together the 2020 Journal.

The Friends have agreed to donate £17,000 towards the costs of installing high quality streaming equipment in the Cathedral.

We look forward to resuming a schedule of meetings and events as circumstances permit, sharing wherever possible with other Cathedral groups.

Please contact the chairman or the Dean with any comments or suggestions.

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