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New Cathedral guide book published on St Peter’s festival weekend

Tuesday 3 July

As Peterborough Cathedral marked the festival of St Peter in its 900th anniversary year last weekend (30th June to 1st July 2018) it also took delivery of a new souvenir guide book.

The richly illustrated 48-page guide describes the history of the Cathedral site from Roman times to the present day. It brings the story up to date with references to the archaeology dig in the Precincts in 2016, and the new Cathedral Visitor Centre which opened in the same year.

The book has been in preparation for some time and the text has been compiled by historians, clergy and other members of the Cathedral team. The production of the guide was supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and it is one of the final elements of the major project the Fund has supported at the Cathedral, to enhance the experience of visitors.

The book includes new photographs by Peter Smith and was produced by Jigsaw Design and Publishing. It includes a timeline, a plan of the Cathedral and a feature on each area of the building.

Canon Ian Black, who wrote and edited parts of the guide book, said: “We are very pleased with the way the souvenir guide has turned out. It has been a truly collaborative effort.”

Copies are available from the Cathedral shop at £6.00, or may be bought online via the Cathedral website.


Photo: Historian Stuart Orme and Canon Ian Black who both contributed text to the new Peterborough Cathedral guide book.

ISBN 978-1-910759-31-8

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