11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

The HOPE prayer wall is coming to Peterborough Cathedral

Friday 7 February

A unique prayer wall made up of the letters HOPE will shortly be on display in the Cathedral.

The seven foot high structure will be situated in the North Transept from Tuesday 18th February to Wednesday 4th March. Prayer cards will also available to write prayers on and add to the prayer wall.

The HOPE prayer wall was previously on display in Durham Cathedral last November, where 10,000 people prayed using the special Hope Spaces prayer cards.

The wall is the brain child of HOPE Together and 24-7 Prayer, who are working together to encourage cathedrals and churches to set up Hope Spaces in 2020. Hope Spaces are creative, public prayer spaces where people of all ages and backgrounds can experience God through talking and listening to him in prayer. Those interested in setting up a Hope Space can email hopespaces@24-7prayer.com for a free 'How to Run a Hope Space' resource.

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