11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Peterborough Cathedral announces new project in partnership with Near Neighbours

Friday 14 December

Peterborough Cathedral is excited to announce the beginning of a new project in partnership with the Church Urban Fund Near Neighbours scheme, and to welcome its Project Coordinator, Femi Olasoko, to work with us here.

Near Neighbours is all about enabling community groups of all faiths and none to come together and develop projects that benefit towns and cities and their neighbourhoods. It includes work among and between different faiths and communities, celebrating the uniqueness of each but building understanding and friendships between them.

Sarah Brown, Canon Missioner at Peterborough Cathedral, said: “The Cathedral is a great place to base this project because although it is essentially a place of Christian worship, it is also a place for the city to gather and feel welcome, and that means it can and should be a hub for community engagement. I’m already enjoying working with Femi who is exactly the right person for the job. Watch this space! I think we can make a real difference here.”

Femi OlasokoFemi Olasoko said: “I am excited to be working here at the Cathedral under the guidance of Canon Sarah, and to bring the good work that Near Neighbours is doing in the UK to our city of Peterborough. I am passionate about making a positive impact in people’s lives and contributing to the wellbeing of the community. This project will provide an opportunity to do just that. The welcome has been overwhelming, both here in Peterborough and from the entire Near Neighbours family. Thank you all.”

Liz Carnelley, Programme Director of Near Neighbours, said: “It’s great that we are now working in Peterborough, as the government have given us funding to focus on bringing people together here. There is lots of good work going on and we are keen to support and deepen it.”

Near Neighbours is a partnership between the Church Urban Fund and the Archbishops’ Council. It receives funding from the Ministry of Housing Communities, local government and the Church Urban Fund – www.near-neighbours.org.uk.

Contact: nearneighbours@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk

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