11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Cathedral bell ringers ring quarter peal for NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers’ Day

Tuesday 6 July

Peterborough Cathedral bell ringers headed to the tower on the evening of Monday 5th July to ring a quarter peal for NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers’ Day.

Just six of the twelve Cathedral bells were rung, to comply with Covid safety measures within the ringing chamber.

The methods rung during the 45 minute quarter peal were Cambridge Surprise Minor and Norwich Surprise Minor. Having aimed to begin at 7.30pm, there was a slightly later start as one of the ringers, a GP, was delayed at work.

Helena Thorpe, Ringing Master at the Cathedral said:

“I think we can all appreciate the hard work and dedication of the NHS over the last 18 months and all other key workers. Plus the sacrifices our young people have made in the disruption of their education and the restrictions we have all endured in our efforts to control this virus. Ringing the bells is a demonstration of the gratitude of the people of Peterborough for all this hard work and our hope that the worst is now over.”

Following the long break during lockdown, six of the Cathedral bell ringers are now ringing before the 10.30am service each Sunday. They will take a break in August but hope to go back to their usual weekly practices during September. Anyone interested in joining them is invited to email helenathorpe@gmail.com.

More information about NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers' Day is here: https://www.nhsfrontlineday.org

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