11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

You could be ‘walking on the moon’ at Peterborough Cathedral this summer

Tuesday 1 June

Jetting away to the sun may be out of reach, but if you bring the family to Peterborough Cathedral this summer you could be ‘walking on the moon’ instead!

The Cathedral has announced today (Tuesday 1st June 2021) that it will be hosting a giant representation of the lunar surface, created by the renowned sculptor and artist Peter Walker using imagery from NASA.

The 36m x 7m art installation, entitled One Small Step was originally created to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Lunar Landing in 2019, when it was shown at Lichfield Cathedral. 

The piece will be displayed at Peterborough Cathedral from 17th July until 31st October 2021. It will transform a huge area of the floor in the north and south transepts, and under the tower, into an image of the moon’s terrain, showing all the craters and details of the lunar rock. Visitors will be able to walk on the surface and even locate the place where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made their Apollo 11 landing in 1969. It will be a great spot to take a selfie!

Ever since Peterborough Cathedral has hosted Tim Peake’s Spacecraft as part of its nationwide tour, followed by Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon and Gaia art installations, it has been prompting visitors to think about their place in the wider universe. 

“We are very excited that we have been able to secure this exhibition for Peterborough,” said the Very Revd Chris Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough. “Half a century on from the first moon landings, and as we emerge from the pandemic, we hope this will not only be great fun for children to explore, but an opportunity for all of us to rekindle our imaginations and ask the big questions about our place in the universe.”

The creator of One Small Step, Peter Walker, said: 

“When you look up at the moon, it is untouchable, but we wanted to bring the moon to the people and invite them to take their own small steps across it. The vast and sacred setting of a cathedral is the perfect place in which to do this. I hope that One Small Step will encourage people to explore possibilities, reach for the moon and be in that space to reflect on what this means for them and all mankind.”

During the exhibition there will be a variety of events and hands-on activities for all ages and the full programme will be announced soon. Amongst the events the Cathedral hopes to present are Dancing on the Moon (a silent disco), One Giant Leap (a lunar crafts day with teddy bear drop) and Moon with a View (seeing One Small Step from above, plus the view from the top of the tower). Mezzo-soprano Gabriella Pineda-Rodrigues will be giving  a concert of Songs to the Moon, on Saturday 24th July at 7.30pm and tickets – socially distanced in the nave - are now on sale.

Entry to the Cathedral and the exhibition is by donation. The opening hours will usually be 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Saturday and 12.00 noon until 3.00pm on Sundays. On Thursdays during the school holidays the exhibition will also be open from 6.30pm until 8.30pm.Times may occasionally vary and up to date information will be posted here www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/opening-times.aspx. Visitors need to wear flat heeled shoes to walk on the moon surface.

The exhibition is being kindly supported by sponsors Henson Crisp and Speed Agency.

For more information please visit www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/onesmallstep.aspx.  

It is hoped that T.rex: The Killer Question, the Natural History Museum’s touring dinosaur exhibition which was due to be shown at the Cathedral this summer (postponed from 2020), will now take place in 2022. This is not yet confirmed.

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