11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Cathedral parking: beautiful surroundings and a half price deal!

Monday 12 October

At a time when traffic levels are building up and parking space in the city centre is harder to find, Peterborough Cathedral is offering a limited number of spaces for hire within its historic, landscaped Precincts.

The first ten people to sign up for a space will get a 50% off deal for six months, spread over the 12 month hire period.

The spaces might suit anyone who frequently comes into the city centre and wants to start their day in a beautiful environment, without the hassle of competing for a space or paying at a machine.

Regular train station commuters could find that they are not only saving cash but also getting in a few extra steps each day as they take the ten-minute walk from the Precincts to the Station.

The marked out spaces are on the north side of the Cathedral in an area that has recently been resurfaced to ensure that it is well drained and suitable for all weathers. The Precincts open straight onto Cathedral Square and the shopping centre - imagine the convenience for Christmas shopping or daily commuting.

The spaces are available 24/7 for a registered vehicle, with the exception of Sundays when unoccupied spaces may be used by less mobile worshippers attending a service. Those hiring a space will be allocated a specific numbered space and issued with the means to come and go through the security barrier at the Precincts entrance.

Anyone hiring a space is also helping to support the preservation of Peterborough Cathedral and its Precincts as an asset for the city, available for all to visit and enjoy.

With the earlybird discount, spaces are £105 per calendar month for one year. Snap them up whilst the offer is still available!

Parking in the PrecinctsFind out more

To find out more please contact:

Dave Cramp
Commercial Director
01733 355315

Photo at top of page taken whlst resurfacing works in progress.

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