11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Medieval revolt is the subject of online History Talk

Wednesday 6 October

Museum Curator, Stuart Orme, will be giving the next in the series of online History Talks for Peterborough Cathedral on Thursday 14th October at 7.30pm.

This time he takes us back to medieval times, and in particular to the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. This widespread popular uprising had various causes, including the economic and political tensions caused by the Black Death in the 1340s.

Stuart will refer to that wider social background but also talk about what happened here in Peterborough during the Peasants’ Revolt. He says:

“The Peasant’s Revolt was one of the first large scale popular protests in British history, but as this talk will explain, it didn’t just centre on events in London. One of the bloodiest episodes took place in the heart of Peterborough when, as in many towns, discontent focussed on the local monastery, the great church for which is now our cathedral. It goes to show another aspect of Peterborough’s rich history and how we have played our part in the nation’s story.”

The Cathedral’s History Talks series continues into the Autumn with the Very Revd Chris Dalliston talking about the Rule of St Benedict and its influence on the Cathedral and monastery, on 11th November. Then stained glass conservator Tom Küpper will give a talk about the stained glass in the Cathedral on 9th December.

All the talks are via Zoom at 7.30pm. Tickets are £7 per viewing (+ booking fee). The talks last around 40 minutes and are followed by a time for questions. Ticket holders are sent an email with the Zoom link on the day of the talk. 

To book please visit the Cathedral's Ticket Source page.

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