11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Prayer for Lebanon

Friday 7 August

We send our love and solidarity to Lebanese families in Peterborough and remember in prayer the people of Lebanon.

Merciful God
Be with the people of Lebanon
Comfort all who are distressed
Relieve the anxiety of those who watch and wait for news from a distance.
Restore the injured to health and abide with those who mourn
For the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The following is a request from churches in Beirut:

We ask you to join us in prayer for Lebanon which has literally been brought to its knees after the colossal explosion in the port area. Give thanks for the rescue and recovery workers, both local and international groups, working tirelessly at the site of the explosion, and for many NGOs helping to alleviate the overwhelming needs for shelter, food and clothes. Many hotels and conference centres are offering safe accommodation for people.

“Please pray for an outpouring of God’s comfort and peace on those who mourn the loss of the 200+ dead. Pray for a touch of the Holy Spirit on everyone who feels broken, despairing and hopeless. Also pray for healing and peace for the 5,000+ who have been injured and pray that there will be enough medical personnel and supplies for immediate needs. There will also be mental health needs so pray for mental health care to be available.

“Pray for the safe short- and long-term accommodation for 300,000 suddenly homeless people and that there will be a coordinated response to food relief.”

This video is shared by the agency, Embrace the Middle East

Embrace the Middle East, the front-line Christian agency working in the region, has shared this video from the Lebanese Society for Education and Social Development (LSESD). In it you will hear LSESD’s CEO say: “We are on a ship, caught by a storm. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but I trust that the Lord will lead us to land on a safe shore, on an island. Meanwhile during this difficult trip we are burdened and we promised Him to take of the people who are with us on this ship. Our eyes are on Him and our hands are on the plough." (Nabil Costa CEO The Lebanese Society for Education and Social Development).


Local response

If anyone in Peterborough of any faith or none is already coordinating practical or financial support for the charities trying to help on the ground please be in touch with us at the Cathedral via canon.missioner@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk. We are looking at what we might usefully contribute and don’t need to reinvent any wheels!

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