11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Let's make rainbows as a sign of hope

Wednesday 1 April

The rainbow has long been the sign of hope for many people of faith, ever since God made it a sign of the promise between him and his people.

That's why we love the idea of the Rainbow Trail that is catching on all over the city right now. So we want to encourage all of you stuck at home, lonely or stir-crazy, or a little afraid, to get creative and produce rainbows (that's mine in the photo).

They should be full seven-colour rainbows, like the ones you see in the sky. Then put them up in your windows and on your walls as a sign of hope and faith that even when things are really tough all will eventually be well.

Create your rainbow in whatever medium you choose and then take a picture and send it to us via the Cathedral's social medai, or by email to info@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk and we will do our best share your pictures or display them on our website. 

Painting, photography, bubbles, reflections, collages, words - do whatever you feel helps you sum up the joy and beauty of the rainbow promise. You can see some examples of people's rainbows on the Peterborough Matters website and on the Peterborough Rainbow Trail Facebook Group.

Get making and sharing rainbows and let’s fill Peterborough with the sign of God’s hope!

By the way- you might decide you have time to discover the biblical story of this promise in Genesis Chapter 9 verses 7-17- or even go the whole hog and read all about Noah and the ark in Genesis chapters 7-9 or in any children’s bible storybook. If you are not that into the Bible then you can get a weird modern version of the story in the fun film Evan Almighty but don’t say I suggested that!

Sarah Brown
Canon Missioner

A rainbow above the Cathedral

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