11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Dance on the Moon at Peterborough Cathedral’s Silent Disco

Monday 19 July

The Cathedral's ever-popular silent disco returns, this time with the added bonus of the presence of the artwork 'One Small Step' by Peter Walker, so you really can dance on the moon!

This will be a silent disco like never before - the dance floor will be the giant image of all the craters and details of the lunar rock that is the artwork One Small Step by Peter Walker.

DJ Zed Malik will be choosing the tunes, so grab a headset, choose your channel, and silently dance the night on the surface of the moon.

The Silent Disco is for all ages and there will be a tuck shop and drinks on sale. It will take place on Saturday 31st July, from 7.00pm to 9.00pm at Peterborough Cathedral.

When choosing your outfit, please remember that it's essential to wear flat heeled shoes to go onto One Small Step!

Tickets are £7 person, with a discount for groups of 10 or more. Please email amber.homer-wooff@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk for group bookings.

For more details and to book, please visit the Silent Disco event page or call 01733 355315.

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