11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

Update from Peterborough Cathedral regarding Tier 3 & Tier 4

Friday 18 December

Arrangements made for Tier 3 restrictions still stand for Tier 4: public worship can continue (with safety measures) and the Cathedral is open for private prayer.

Following the Health Secretary’s announcement that Peterborough will be subject to Tier 3 level Covid restrictions from Saturday (19th December), here is a note of how this does, or does not, affect Cathedral plans.

Christmas and other services will go ahead

Public worship is allowed under Tier 3 and Tier 4 so Christmas and Sunday services will take place as planned, with existing Covid safe measures in place. Booking is required for all major Christmas services. Anyone who had booked but is now unable to attend is asked to let the Cathedral know (via their ticket email) so that their seats can be reallocated. 

Christmas Eve services, and the Christmas Day morning service, will be live streamed via the Cathedral’s Facebook and YouTube channels. More details about Christmas service times are here www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/christmas2020.aspx.

The Cathedral Choir will also be taking part in the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Sunday morning live carol service at around 9.20am this Sunday, 20th December, which you can hear on your radio or online.

Opening will be for private prayer only

With effect from Saturday 19th December, visitors are welcome to come to the Cathedral for private prayer within the nave. It will no longer be possible, due to the restrictions, to look around the Cathedral and all guided tours have been cancelled.

The new opening times from 19th December will normally be:

10.00am to 2.00pm Monday to Saturday
12.00 noon to 2.00pm on Sundays

The Cathedral is closed on Boxing Day. More details of any other variations to these times are listed here www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/opening-times.aspx

Two events have changed

The Christingle Nativity Trail due to take place in the Cathedral next week can no longer happen as a live event, but a simple online version of the trail will be published on social media soon. The Celebration of Christmas concert scheduled for Saturday afternoon will now be offered online only. Anyone who had tickets for these events is being contacted directly.

If you have any queries, please check the Cathedral website for information, or email info@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk

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