11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

World Fair Trade Day on 8th May

Friday 7 May

To mark World Fair Trade Day on Saturday (May 8), companies, schools and even the cathedral in Peterborough are coming together to ‘Build Back Fairer’.

That is the theme for this year’s global day of action which aims to support a fair and sustainable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Among those taking part in the initiative is The Very Revd Chris Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough. He said:

“We are proud to be a Fairtrade cathedral, helping to Build Back Fairer with our own Fairtrade coffee blend and our regular Fairtrade stall (outside Covid times).

“We were delighted to host the celebration of Peterborough’s certification as a Fairtrade City back in 2019 and we’ll keep supporting Fairtrade here to make a positive impact on communities across the world.”

This year, organisations and individuals are being asked to take a photo with the Build Back Fairer poster then share it on social media with a caption that they support #BuildBackFairer.

They are then being encouraged to challenge their friends to support Build Back Fairer by tagging them in their caption.

Among those in Peterborough to have made the pledge are: Jack Hunt School, SellickRail Ltd, Select Coffee Services, Peterborough Environment City Trust and local Co-op stores.

Beki Sellick, director SellickRail Ltd, said:

"As a member of Opportunity Peterborough and the Chamber of Commerce we know local business leaders are keen to Build Back Fairer.

 “We’re committed to Fairtrade within our own business as part of our Green Investors in the Environment certification through PECT.

“Our green action plans include promoting Fairtrade at community events, choosing Fairtrade food in Peterborough supermarkets and cafes and buying Fairtrade when we shop online - like the Fairtrade jacket I’m pictured in!”

Fairtrade aims to promote fairer trading conditions and empower farmers and workers to combat poverty.

Andrew Lightowler, partner at Select Coffee Services based in Orton Southgate, said:

“As a local coffee supplier we proudly support Peterborough Fairtrade City and World Fair Trade Day.

“We provide Fairtrade tea and coffee to our loyal customers and businesses around Peterborough and are passionate about growing Fairtrade awareness.”

Fairtrade Peterborough was formed in 2011 and was responsible for Peterborough being recognised as a Fairtrade City in August 2019.

The group is encouraging people to share photos of them pledging to Build Back Better on its Facebook and Twitter pages ahead of World Fair Trade Day.

More information on World Fair Trade Day (where you can also download a Build Back Better poster) can be found at: https://wfto.com/fairtradeday2021/.

More information on Fairtrade Peterborough can be found at: https://fairtradepeterborough.wordpress.com/.

To find out where you can buy Fairtrade in Peterborough, visit: https://fairtradepeterborough.wordpress.com/stockists/.


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