The aim of these additional services is to broaden the variety of worship and prayer styles in use at the Cathedral, without lessening our commitment to spiritual depth and theological challenge. By doing this we hope to be able to reach out to people of all ages, backgrounds and stages of Christian commitment. Praise services, prayers for healing and wholeness, sacramental alternative worship, prayer stations, youth services… the possibilities are endless.
Sometimes the worship will be led by clergy and laity from the Cathedral, but we will also be inviting groups and parishes from across the Diocese (and beyond) to contribute their expertise and share this amazing space. We see this as an important expression of the Cathedral’s ministry of hospitality and welcome to all. This is your Cathedral and we would love you to come and be part of it.
Further information
For more information, or to get involved in planning future services, please contact the Canon Precentor, Rowan Williams, via, or call 01733 355315.