11th December - Cathedral closed from 12pm.

'Made in Peterborough', an art exhibition at Peterborough Cathedral

Submissions Open

Following the success of 'Made in Lockdown' and Made in 2022 exhibitions, Peterborough Cathedral is now calling for entries for an open exhibition of artworks celebrating our great city. The resulting exhibition will be shown in the Cathedral from 7th February to 29th February 2024. ***ENTRIES NOW CLOSED***

The concept behind the 'Made in Petebrorough' exhibition is to celebrate the people, places and events of our historic and vibrant city. To showcase the extraordinary talent and illustrate the lives of the people living, working and creating in Peterborough. The exhibition seeks to display works which show a city rich in culture, diversity, heritage and spaces. 

So whether you are living or working in Peteborough, have moved away or admire it from afar, this exhibition is for you. We welcome submissions from people of all ages and abilities, artworks of all types; if it's about Petebrorough or made by someone from Peterborough, it will be considered.

There are a few conditions and some changes from last year, so please make sure you read carefully our updated Terms and Conditions before you submit an application.

The deadline for applications is noon on Wednesday 24th January 2024. ***ENTRIES NOW CLOSED***

Made in Peterborough 2024 is kindly sponsored by Savills

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